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For Eggs
Use cookie cutters in various shapes to make eggs that are irresistible. We have cookie cutters with handles that makes it easy to use them over a hot frying pan. They make the cutest egg.
As Christmas ornaments.
Just cut out and bake your favorite cookie in festive Christmas shapes and make a small hole in the top of the cookie. Let it dry and then add some ribbon to make the cookie into an ornament for your Christmas tree.
As Candle Forms
If you like to make tea candles, use cookie cutters as a form. Cover a sheet pan with parchment paper and add a small candlewick in the center. Heat your wax and let it cool slightly and then pour the wax while pressing down on the cookie cutter.
For the Birds
The winter months are hard for birds to find anything to eat. Use cookie cutters to make forms for pressed bird seed and gelatin, and then add a ribbon and hang the “ornaments” outside for the birds. See how to make these on Thrifty Jinxy.
Baby Shower Reveal Cookies
Layer some cookies that you have cut into the shape of a onesie with a cookie cutter and add small candies to the center in both pink and blue. Make the sweetest ever shower centerpiece. See the project on Craft Storming.
Pastry Stars for slumber party.
Use cookie cutters to make pastry stars and then add them to taco cups that you have cooked in a muffin tin. They make a great mood setter for a slumber party. See how to do them here.
For a Party Platter.
Use several different cookie cutters to cut both deli meats and cheeses into shapes. Then layer each shape on a platter.
This would be a super idea for any themed party or even just cut them into football shapes for the upcoming Super bowl!
To Decorate Pie Crusts.
Make your pie and then roll out a circle of pie crust dough. Use small cookie cutters to cut out interesting shapes and lay them on top of the pie and bake. Martha Stewart would love this idea!
For Kitchen Decorations.
Another Gardening Cook fan Retia Shealy suggested using cookie cutters as a kitchen decoration. She says “Mine are hung on my kitchen wall above my windows! I enjoy them year around!!” Great idea Retia!
For Cake Decorations.
Frost your cake first and then place a cookie cutter on the top and sprinkle cake sprinkles inside the cookie cutter. Remove the cookie cutter for a delightful cake decoration.
As Car Air Fresheners.
Making your own air fresheners allows to you enjoy quality fragrances in your home, office or car without spending a lot. Making cookie-cutter air fresheners is a fun craft for even children and make wonderful gifts or craft bazaar sellers. To learn more, check out this
how to from eHow!
As Soap Molds.
Do you like to make soap? Don’t pay for fancy molds. Use cookie cutters in your favorite shapes to hold your favorite DIY soap.
For Huge Valentine Conversation Hearts.
Make Rice Krispie treats and then dip in colored candy melts and write sweet messages on them for Valentine’s Day. Get the tutorial for these conversation hearts from Snappy Gourmet
As Sandwich Shapes.
One of the fans of The Gardening Cook on Facebook, Deverea Northcutt suggested this idea. She said “I have five sons. When they were little, I would cut different sandwiches for their lunch with cookie cutters.
Deverea said that she always decorated the bag and had napkins to go with the shape theme. Lots of fun and memories.” What a great idea (and what a great mom!)
For Pumpkin Carving.
Don’t carve your pumpkin with a knife. Use small cookie cutters and a rubber mallet to press the cutters into the pumpkin to make interesting shapes for your pumpkin face.
For Jello Jigglers.
Jello is the perfect medium for cookie cutters. It forms a fairly solid shape when done. But don’t just cut it into squares.
Use cookie cutters as molds to hold the jello until it forms. So much more fun for the kiddos! Check out our Jello Jiggler recipe!
For Wreath Decorations.
Transform any ordinary ever green wreath into a festive front door decoration by adding colorful plastic cookie cutters in Christmas shapes and matching ribbon.
Make a Necklace
DIY your own cookie cutter charm necklaces as cookie exchange party favors. It is an easy jewelry project to make. Find this fun DIY project
To Make Fun Dog treats
Cookies are not just for people, you know. Use cookie cutters to make doggy treats. Your pooch will thank you. He won’t care about the shape, of course, but you will have fun feeding them to him!
See how to make dog cookies.
Use as Powdered Sugar Stencils.
Don’t feel like frosting a whole cake (or don’t want the calories?) Just make a cake and then dip cookie cutters into powdered sugar and press lightly on the cake top for a low calorie decorative touch.
For Baked Christmas Ornaments.
Use cookie cutters in Christmas shapes as forms, then add plastic beads and bake. The beads will melt and make lovely ornaments. Get our full
Cinnamon Ornament recipe here!
For Scrap Booking.
Retail prices on preformed scrapbook shapes can be quite costly. Use your cookie cutter to trace shapes onto scrapbook paper, and cut them out at a fraction of the cost.
For Cookie Cutter S’mores.
Add a fun twist on your s'mores by cut out shapes on the graham crackers!
Check out the how to Here!
For a Cookie Swap Invitation.
Tie an invitation to a cookie cutter to give to your guests to invite them to your annual cookie swap. They might even use the cookie cutter for their cookies. Make each invite different to have lots of fun shapes at the party.
For Brownies.
Good bye boring rectangular shaped brownies, and hello fun brownies. Line your pan with foil including over the side. Grease bottom and sides. Pour brownie mix in and bake. When completely cool, lift brownies out of pan, separate from foil. Cut brownies out using your favorite cookie cutter.